A House of Symmetry

I recently visited the Robie House in Chicago, designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. I experienced An architectural immersion in symmetry, coherence and beauty. This geometrically balanced space embodies the cornerstones of Wright’s architectural philosophy: simplicity, humanity, integrity and connection.

 “Organic Architecture is an architecture from within outward, in which entity is an ideal. (…). Organic means, in the philosophic sense, entity. Where the whole is [to] the part as the part is to the whole and where the nature of the materials, the nature of the purpose, the nature of the entire performance becomes a necessity”.

This way of thinking created works of unity and harmony. If only life could be planned so skillfully!

Harmony can be an elusive experience. We aspire to achieve it, yet it frequently slips out of our grasp.

How do we as individuals create coherence and congruence

when we are in environments of chaos, disharmony and dissonance?

Wright’s work grounds itself in the principle of “from within outward”.  This concept offers a pivotal mindset for us to follow to generate harmony in our own lives. In the face of difficult circumstances, we can embrace stillness and reflection to create an inner landscape that is built on the principles above-simplicity, humanity, integrity and connection.

Imagine creating a personal blueprint that outlines the values, aspirations, beliefs, skills and support that are needed to bring this harmonious design into being. Without this inner plan, we leave ourselves at the mercy of external forces that may not have our best interests at heart. This inner environment nourishes and sustains us and sets us on a path to manifest the changes that we wish to see around us.

Throughout your life, your inner landscape presents its contents to you again and again. When you are aware of all its elements, you are in continual communication with your soul.”

— Gary Zukav

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