Food for Thought Wednesday

A cornucopia of ideas, thoughts, books, people, events, and quotes that inspire, provoke, inform, challenge and engage me.

A Media Strategy to Illuminate Positive News

Pioneering media outlet, Positive News, has partnered with media and infrastructure company, Clear Channel UK, to promote messages of hope and inspiration on outdoor digital screens all around the UK. “This exciting partnership has given prominence to our positive headlines at scale, helping people discover that it’s not all doom and gloom and an incredible […]

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Courageous Conversation: A Conversation Worth Having

… understanding is that the first step to take in having a real conversation is simply to stop having the one that you are having now.By definition the courageous conversation is the conversation that you’re not having nowand also by definition the courageous conversation is the one that you don’t want to haveand the courageous

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Self-Care: A Cornerstone of Self-leadership

It all begins with one question:  What do you most need to survive and thrive? Self-care is a decisive, personal act. Beyond healthy food, exercise and sleep, genuine self-care encompasses the routines, rituals, activities that uniquely speak to us as individuals. It could be a cup of tea, solitude, cold water swimming, meditation, speaking with

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