My Blog

"Love the life you live. Live the life you love."

~ Bob Marley

promoting positive messages

A Media Strategy to Illuminate Positive News

By Dr. Jackie Huntly
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Pioneering media outlet, Positive News, has partnered with media and infrastructure company, Clear Channel UK, to promote messages of hope and inspiration on outdoor digital screens all around the UK. “This exciting partnership has given prominence to our positive headlines at scale, helping people discover that it’s not all doom and gloom and an incredible […]

effective conversations

Difficult Conversations

By Dr. Jackie Huntly
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“The single biggest problem with communication is the illusion that it has taken place.” – George Bernard Shaw How often do we function in this world of illusion? Our conversations are sometimes like wishing on a star. We hope (or expect) that somebody got the message! When we are faced with difficult conversations, our communication […]

identifying your core values

2-D or 3-D Values?

By Dr. Jackie Huntly
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Identifying and prioritizing our values may seem like a simple exercise. We may sit back and contentedly peruse all those beautiful, admirable qualities that we have perfectly engraved in 2-D on a piece of paper!  Words such as integrity, family, courage, etc. impress and soothe us with their altruism and virtuosity. The discomfort arises when […]

thriving in a different culture

Face to Face with your Organization’s Culture:  Five (or Six) Questions

By Dr. Jackie Huntly
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    The answer is yours.

mental calm or stillness


By Dr. Jackie Huntly
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“Teach us to care and not to care  Teach us to sit still” -T. S. Eliot (“Ash Wednesday”) So often we crave stillness. We long to step out of the maelstrom of our emotions where we swing from passionate, angry caring to defiant, indignant not caring. The reasons for these emotions get buried in the […]

ego the enemy

Ego: The Enemy of Learning and Growth

By Dr. Jackie Huntly
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“It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows.” “In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities, in the expert’s mind there are few.”

conversations with courage

Courageous Conversation: A Conversation Worth Having

By Dr. Jackie Huntly
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… understanding is that the first step to take in having a real conversation is simply to stop having the one that you are having now.By definition the courageous conversation is the conversation that you’re not having nowand also by definition the courageous conversation is the one that you don’t want to haveand the courageous […]

how do you want to be known

How do you want to be known?

By Dr. Jackie Huntly
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Have you carefully thought about this question? At first glance, it may appear to be asking a question about how others see you. Yet, your answers will reveal more about you than others. It will: Take heed how you answer a simple question. In the words of Maya Angelou: “I would like to be known […]

Self-Care: A Cornerstone of Self-leadership

By Dr. Jackie Huntly
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It all begins with one question:  What do you most need to survive and thrive? Self-care is a decisive, personal act. Beyond healthy food, exercise and sleep, genuine self-care encompasses the routines, rituals, activities that uniquely speak to us as individuals. It could be a cup of tea, solitude, cold water swimming, meditation, speaking with […]

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