
Experiencing Moments of Ease

“Do you know that your soul is composed of harmony?”– Leonardo da Vinci Sometimes, all the strategies-exercise, meditation, breathing, journaling, yoga, etc. to create calm and fulfillment just feel like hard work. Just exhausting. The mental gymnastics of mindfulness, reflection and contemplation are draining, rather than filling the well. Trying to find tranquility by bringing […]

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Leading with Vulnerability- Begin with Yourself First

“The definition of vulnerability is uncertainty, risk and emotional exposure. But vulnerability is not weakness: it’s our most accurate measure of courage.” ~ Brené Brown Given the first part of the definition above, it is no wonder that we want to sprint away from the whole idea of vulnerability. We want to build defenses so high

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Searching for Magic

Pursuing perfection smacks of trying to summit a mountain after having been kneecapped at basecamp. Reaching the top symbolizes the goal of perfection, but you are already crippled with expectations, frustrations and an inner and external peanut gallery of critics and judges. The teacher, author and artist, Julia Cameron, brilliantly describes the paradox of perfectionism;

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Intention – A Coalescence of Elements

Image of Intention: An arrow-straight, direct, powerful. Its clarity and purpose suggest it arose fully formed from the smooth terrain of the mind. Yet, I know differently. I know that it evolved from curiosity-maybe desperation; inspiration-maybe boredom; intuition-maybe discipline; mystery-maybe knowledge; reflection-maybe confusion. Oscar Wilde revels in this primary marinade: “Besides, Dorian, don’t deceive yourself.

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Flowing Forward

“Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.” ~ Søren Kierkegaard When we live life forwards, however tiny our steps on that path, each step creates its own luck and opportunity. Those tiny steps give us the space, wisdom and courage to grow our understanding, however difficult, of what has already passed.

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Finding Beauty in Difficult Times

‘There are times when life seems little more than a matter of struggle and endurance, when difficulty and disappointment form a crust around the heart. Because it can be deeply hurt, the heart hardens. There are corners in every heart which are utterly devoid of illusion, places where we know and remember the nature of

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What skills do you need to be a better human?

This question arose after I read an interview with Simon Sinek. He intensely dislikes the term soft skills preferring instead the term human skills. This, he says, eliminates the idea of opposites and I would also suggest, the whiff of optional when juxtaposing the words soft and hard skills. Human skills are about becoming a

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