…..my understanding is that the first step to take in having a real conversation is simply to stop having the one that you are having now.
-David Whyte
By definition the courageous conversation is the conversation that you’re not having now
and also by definition the courageous conversation is the one that you don’t want to have
and the courageous conversation is the one which you hope isn’t true…..”

What is the catalyst that is needed to find the courage to have these life-changing conversations with ourselves and others? Is it finally acknowledging that the fear and uncertainty of what lies on the other side of these conversations causes stagnation and paralysis? Is it the gut-wrenching realization that without this conversation, nothing will change and the next few weeks, months, years will simply be a rehash of the same old, tired story? Is it being willing to harness commitment, compassion, possibility and vision, in the guise of courage, so that the first step towards a new future can be taken?