Opening Our Eyes to Love Around the World

“a book that heals with love and aspires to heal love”

Editor Kruno Lokotar

For Croatian couple, Andela and Davor Rostuhar, a yearlong honeymoon around the world, unfolded as a journey of exploration into the meaning of love around the globe. They had conversations with over 200 people, in many different kinds of relationships, in 30 countries, on 6 continents, as well as speaking with scientists who are researching different aspects of love.

Off the Cuff_Love

Their set of questions probed how people experience or wish for love:

– “how they met, how they felt in the beginning of their relationship, how they would describe their feelings now, what they expect from their partners, what are their strengths, what are their weaknesses, how they approach problems and fights, and finally – what love means to them.”

Poignant photography and videography permeate the book and film, revealing the many ways that we humans experience that most profound of emotions – LOVE.

Love Around the World by Andela and Rostuhar

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