Dr. Jackie Huntly

What Other Careers can Physicians Transition Into?

  When you have spent your education , training and practice following the linear path of clinical medicine it can be daunting to consider changing gears and switching to a non-clinical career in medicine, or to explore opportunities completely outside of the healthcare arena. Does the task  seem so overwhelming and fraught with fear and […]

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Pulmonary and Critical Care Physician Retires- Happily “Untethered”.

I recently had a conversation with Dr. James Ramage, who retired in 2018 as a pulmonary and critical  care physician. Our discussion highlighted the value of dedicating time and bringing thoughtfulness to the decision of leaving clinical practice and embracing the opportunities of retirement. Dr. Ramage’s career trajectory began at Georgia Tech; then pre-med at

Pulmonary and Critical Care Physician Retires- Happily “Untethered”. Read More »

Physician Self-Leadership: Keep your Hands on the Steering Wheel of your Life

  When I listen to all the external factors that create frustration and anguish for my coaching clients, it is tempting to want to simply put my head in my hands and “despair” with them. Limited face to face interaction with their patients, dysfunctional EMRs, institutionalized disrespect, intrusive measures of performance and productivity are some

Physician Self-Leadership: Keep your Hands on the Steering Wheel of your Life Read More »

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