My Blog

"Love the life you live. Live the life you love."

~ Bob Marley

Practicality vs. Soul (or vice versa): A False Dichotomy

By Dr. Jackie Huntly
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The busyness of the day-to-day grinds from morning to night. Practicality and “reality” dominate and reign supreme. The tiny voice of the soul whispers, maybe falls silent. Have we created an artificial dichotomy, that ensures mutual destruction? Has a symbiotic relationship been severed, without us even realizing? Yet, we do realize. We sense a hollowness, […]

sidewalk surgeon

The Surgeon of the Sidewalks

By Dr. Jackie Huntly
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 “But I’m just a sidewalk poet, a son of bitumen.” The people of Lyon, France call Ememem, an anonymous local street artist, “the pavement surgeon”. The work is called flacking, from the French word flaque, meaning puddle, also symbolically referring to an area that differs in appearance from the surrounding area. Beginning in an alleyway […]

nature writers

Obsessively Reading Nature Writers

By Dr. Jackie Huntly
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I used to find discussions of nature too dense and at times dull. I now devour these books as lyrical sources of wisdom, fascination and beauty. They implore me to pay attention and connect to my surroundings with a renewed sense of wonder. The writing grounds itself in reality and immediacy, countering the virtual and […]

house of symmetry

A House of Symmetry

By Dr. Jackie Huntly
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I recently visited the Robie House in Chicago, designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. I experienced An architectural immersion in symmetry, coherence and beauty. This geometrically balanced space embodies the cornerstones of Wright’s architectural philosophy: simplicity, humanity, integrity and connection.  “Organic Architecture is an architecture from within outward, in which entity is an ideal. (…). Organic […]

setting goals

The Prequel to S.M.A.R.T Goals

By Dr. Jackie Huntly
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There are countless quotes about the importance of goal-setting: “Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.” – Tony Robbins “The thing about goals is that living without them is a lot more fun, in the short run. It seems to me, though, that the people who get things done, […]

the monkey coconut and banana

The Monkey, the Coconut and the Banana

By Dr. Jackie Huntly
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In some parts of the world, catching a monkey involves halving a coconut, cutting a hole the size of a monkey’s hand in it and hammering it to a tree with a banana inside. The monkey comes along, smells the banana, puts his hand through the hole, grabs the banana, but can’t get his fist […]

Mental Health via Hairdressers

By Dr. Jackie Huntly
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“We fight for care and against stigma. For you. For all of us. It is a duty of humanity, a public service mission and a fight for social justice. I promise you: you are not alone.” -Marie-Alix de Putter, Founder and President, Bluemind Foundation Training hairdressers as mental health ambassadors through the Heal by Hair, […]

Living by his own rules: “The Way of the Hermit: My incredible 40 years living in the wilderness

By Dr. Jackie Huntly
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Ken Smith has lived for four decades off the grid in the Scottish Highlands. As much as this book is the story of the ins and outs of what it takes to live in the rugged wilderness of Scotland, it lays bare and celebrates the humble dignity of a man who has lived life on […]

The Paradox of Antifragility

By Dr. Jackie Huntly
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“Complex systems are weakened, even killed, when deprived of stressors.” — Nassim Taleb Our world is ever changing. Our mental default drives us to try and minimize disruption. We strive to put processes in place that re-establish equilibrium and coherence. This worthy mindset has its place, yet becoming entrenched in attempts to eliminate the unpredictable, […]

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