Burnout shuts out hope or possibility. Creativity, on the other hand, seeks fresh perspectives, novelty and opportunity. A creative mindset is not easily accessed in the midst of burnout and we may resist what we see as irrelevant and foolish. Reading stories of people whose careers are built around imagination and innovation offers the realization that resourcefulness, imagination, ingenuity and strength are at the heart of creativity. These are the very skills that are needed to help us dig our way out of the darkness of burnout. The book, Why Design Matters, by writer, artist, educator and designer, Deborah Millman, offers interviews with 55 people who she sees as being some of the most creative people in the world. Other people’s stories can always be a source of inspiration and comfort, particularly when the very nature of their aspirations and work challenges them to think outside the box and discover new ways of seeing and living.
“These conversations offer insight into the creative process and delve into the way in which myriad experiences and feelings-love, rejection, insecurity, sexual abuse, shame, humility, jealousy, hope, and resilience among them-have catalyzed new ways of being and living.”
(From the front cover inner leaf)